
Thursday, May 19, 2011

You'll Love This (1): Pens!

You'll love this!

Available from Staedtler and Amazon and Office Depot...from nearly everywhere.... Introducing the most delightful fine liners on the market right now! I bring a different color to work every day, and the scanners turn bright pink to a straight black (in case auditors later check our computer's copies). I cannot count the number of envious faces and comments I have received in the last week. If I could buy one for each friend and acquaintence, the temptation would be overwhelming. As it is, the two friends who did receive sets are completely enraptured.

As a letter writer, I was of course shamelessly angling for a return letter, but the pens themselves are a joy without the return. A fine glide and just enough pigment release, the lines aren't thick and they do not bleed through paper. I certainly recommend it to anyone for any use. But especially to brighten up a black-and-white world like mine, where things must only ever be well done for the sake of the patient's health, and a little shot of colour is just what we need in a world of grim, jaw-clenching seriousness.

In the hopes that your world gains more color every day; cheers.

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